Amicus Briefs and Public Comment: Sexual Assault and Harassment

One way CWLC advocates is by sharing our expertise through amicus briefs and comments to government agencies. Each year, CWLC participates in dozens of amicus briefs addressing a variety of legal issues. We also respond to proposed regulation changes by submitting public comments outlining the impact a proposal could have on women and girls.

Below you will find CWLC's amicus briefs and official comments related to sexual assault and harassment.

Amicus Brief: USC v Boermeester - CA Supreme Court - Domestic Violence (2020)Download
Amicus Brief: AGs v DeVos - US District Court for DC - Title IX and Campus Sexual Assault (2020)Download
Public Comment: Title IX Rules - US Department of Education (2019)Download
Amicus Brief: Ramser v. University of San Diego - Campus Sexual Assault (2018)Download
Amicus Brief: Judd v. Weinstein - US District Court - Sexual Assault (2018)Download