Distinguished Guest Speaker Series 2015 – Amy Ziering Screens The Hunting Ground

Date: April 22, 2015
Location: Feminist Majority Foundation

CWLC was honored to screen The Hunting Ground and host producer Amy Ziering and film participant Kamilah Willingham for a question and answer session following our Distinguished Guest Speaker Series on April 22, 2015, at the Feminist Majority Foundation.

Amy and Kamilah received a standing ovation from a packed house following the completion of the film. Kamilah spoke about her sexual assault case filed against Harvard University where she attended law school stating, “It’s important that schools have a voice in adjudicating these crimes so that students safety can be assured.  The criminal justice system can take several years. If these crimes were left only in their hands, repeat offenders could act with impunity for the entirety of their college career. It’s why we are seeing these epidemic rates of assault at our schools.”

Amy Ziering noted, “We’ve already received well over 2,000 requests to screen The Hunting Ground at colleges and high schools across the nation. We are heartened by this response and hope it helps to transform our culture and compel institutions to more fairly adjudicate these crimes and better support survivors.”

It is imperative that everyone see this film and we continue to get the message out about campus sexual assault.

Whether you are a parent, administrator, faculty member, student, or concerned advocate, your active engagement helps encourage survivors of sexual assault to come forward, lets predators know we are working to stop and punish them for their behavior, and will hopefully compel institutions of higher learning to make their campuses safer.

There are a number of ways you can assist this effort and help #EndCampusRape now.

  • See the film – The Hunting Ground is showing in over 160 community and campus settings in 18 states between now and the end of May with additional screenings being added all the time. Tell your friends and family members across the country to see it.
  • Sign up – Join us by becoming part of the movement.

For more information about ways to take action and learn how to get support if you are a survivor or know a survivor, go to TheHuntingGroundFilm.com.

Film Overview
From the Academy-nominated filmmaking team behind The Invisible War, comes a startling expose of sexual assault on U.S. campuses, institutional cover-ups and the brutal social toll on victims and their families.

“Terrifyingly true.”

“Triumphant… A stirring call to action.”

“Any parent sending a child off to college should consider this required viewing.”
New York Magazine