National Women’s Law Center Webinar: The Supreme Court & Women’s Health and Economic Security

Date: October 2, 2014
Location: Online - Webinar

If you’re a Supreme Court watcher, you probably know the first two are recent Supreme Court decisions of particular importance to women. But do you know about the third case, coming up next?

Register for our webinar today and find out what the Supreme Court’s recent decisions and upcoming cases could mean for women’s health and economic security.

In its past term, the Supreme Court issued two rulings (Hobby Lobby v. Burwell and McCullen v. Coakley) that could potentially have a significant impact on both women’s health and women’s economic security. Although the legal issues in these cases differed, in both of its decisions the Court indicated that women’s reproductive health needs could be singled out for lesser legal protections.

Will the trend continue this Supreme Court term? The Court has already decided to hear the pregnancy discrimination case (Young v. UPS), and may see another contraceptive coverage case before the term is out.

Join our webinar on Thursday, October 2 at 1:00 p.m. ET to learn more about the new term and what Court’s decisions last term tell us about it.