Economic Security

Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act – 8th Anniversary

On January 29, 2009, President Barack Obama signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, which ensured that women like Ms. Ledbetter are able to successfully assert their claims by confirming that each discriminatory paycheck rejects the 180-day statute of limitations to file a claim.

Poverty Awareness Month and the “Aging, Women and Poverty In California” White Paper

CWLC has prioritized the specific and devastating effects of poverty on California’s aging population, and particularly its impact on our state’s aging women. In June 2016, CWLC joined the California Commission on Aging and the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls to present a ground-breaking forum titled Aging, Women and Poverty In California. The forum brought together policy leaders and experts from around the state to discuss the looming crisis facing California’s older women. Speakers at the forum tackled issues including retirement, elder justice, housing, food insecurity, health care access, and many other pressing matters older Americans face.

Equal Pay in California: Pay Equity And Discrimination

On Thursday, December 8, 2016 the California Fair Pay Collaborative, comprised of the Legal Aid Society-Employment Law Center, Equal Rights Advocates, and California Women’s Law Center, presented a webinar titled “Equal Pay in California: Pay Equity And Discrimination.”

Warm Holiday Wishes to You and Yours!

Thanks to the commitment of generous supporters like you, CWLC made significant strides …

CWLC Advocacy and Legislative Updates from 2016

On September 28, 2016, Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 813, the Justice for Victims Act. SB 813 eliminates the statute of limitations for rape and other felony sex crimes in California.

CWLC Recognizes Latina Equal Pay Day

November 1st is Latina Equal Pay Day, which marks how many days into 2016 the average Latina must work to make what a non-Latino male did in 2015. That’s right: Latinas had to work 201 days into this year to be paid as much as white men in 2015.

Equal Pay Webinar with LAS-ELC and ERA

The California Pay Collaborative—comprised of Equal Rights Advocates, Legal Aid Society – Employment Law Center, and the California Women’s Law Center—hosted a webinar on October 12th titled “Equal Pay in California: Your Right to Equal Pay in the Workplace.”

Women’s Equality Day 2016

  ​     Dear Supporter, In the nearly one hundred years since gaining the right to vote, women have made enormous strides toward achieving greater equality. Trailblazing women including Rosa Parks, Dolores Huerta, Aung Sang Suu Kyi and Pat Summitt–to name a few–have inspired millions to follow in their footsteps and achieve greatness. Today
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Aging, Women and Poverty In California Forum 2016

On June 3rd, the California Women’s Law Center co-hosted “Aging, Women and Poverty In California Forum” at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. CWLC was honored to partner with the California Commission on Aging and the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls to discuss the priorities and perspectives that community …

“Aging, Women and Poverty in California” Forum

On June 3rd, the California Women’s Law Center (CWLC) co-hosted a forum entitled Aging, Women and Poverty In California at the Skirball Cultural Center in Los Angeles. CWLC was honored to partner with the California Commission on Aging (CCoA) and the California Commission on the Status of Women and Girls (CCSWG) to discuss the priorities and perspectives that community and policy leaders should be planning for as our population ages. With 34,000 Californians turning 65 each month, the Golden State should prepare for a dramatic change in the needs of its citizens.

2016 Pursuit of Justice Awards

Since 1978, the Downtown Women’s Center has been the only organization in Los Angeles exclusively dedicated to meeting the needs of women who are homeless or extremely low-income. Reaching more than 3,000 women annually through housing, health, job readiness, advocacy, and basic needs programs, DWC works to end the homeless cycle among the women they serve.

CWLC Winter Update

Warm Holiday Wishes to You and Yours The California Women’s Law Center wishes you and yours a very happy holiday and a healthy and safe new year. We are proud to share highlights of another successful year promoting justice and equality for women and girls in California. And with your continued support, we look forward
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CWLC’s Fall Update

IN THIS ISSUE: A Big Win for Equal Pay. The Governor Approves SB 358, The California Fair Pay Act, CWLC’s Distinguished Guest Speaker Series, CWLC at Planned Parenthood’s #PinkOut Day, CWLC Kicks off its Title IX Training Series, CWLC Releases a Report Card for Los Angeles County Schools, How CWLC Spent Women’s Equality Day, CWLC Participates in the California Workplace Justice Summit …

End the Hyde Amendment

        There are two pressing issues currently affecting women’s access to reproductive health care.  The Hyde Amendment and attacks on Planned Parenthood, which include fraudulent media smear campaigns and Congressional threats to defund the organization.   What is the Hyde Amendment? Originally passed on September 30, 1976 by the House of Representatives,
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Distinguished Guest Speaker Series 2015 – Incarcerated Women and Girls

On September 2nd, 2015, CWLC’s Distinguished Guest Speaker Series examined California’s corrections system and the unique needs of incarcerated women and girls. The discussion focused on ways we can work together to address some of the realities of incarceration and ensure people re-entering the community after serving their sentence have the resources they need to not return to prison and lead successful lives.

Urge Congress to Protect Planned Parenthood

As a supporter of the California Women’s Law Center, another way I ask you to please consider supporting the rights of women and girls is by telling Congress that you stand with Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood is the most trusted women’s health care provider in this country, and has been for nearly 100 years. It
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Summer Update 2015

IN THIS ISSUE: September 2nd: CWLC’s Distinguished Guest Speaker Series, The 2015 Pursuit of Justice Awards, Supporting the Needs of Our Women Veterans, CWLC Presents at National Council of Jewish Women, NCJW Student Interns Ask For Information About Title IX, CWLC Staff Kick-Off the #WeAreWomen Campaign, and We Are Pleased to Welcome Kamilah Willingham and Alejandra Rosales …

Support SB 224 (Liu): Elderly Parole Program

The Honorable Ricardo Lara Chair, Senate Appropriations Committee State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SB 224 (Liu) – Support Dear Senator Lara: I am writing in support of SB 224 (Liu). This bill, supported by the California Commission on Aging, lowers the eligibility requirements for parole consideration for elderly prisoners, which would decrease the burden of incarceration
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Support AB 1017 (Campos): Gender Pay Equity

  The Honorable Nora Campos State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: AB 1017 (Campos) – Support Dear Assemblymember Campos: I am writing in support of AB 1017. This bill will promote fair and equal pay practices by requiring employers to advertise a job’s minimum pay and prohibiting employers from seeking salary history without a job applicant’s
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Support SB 579 (Jackson): the Family Engagement Act

  The Tony Mendoza Chair, Senate Labor and Industrial Relations Committee State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SB 579 (Jackson) – Support Dear Senator Mendoza: I am writing in support of SB 579 (Jackson), the Family Engagement Act, which expands upon existing law to give working parents more flexibility in using time off to care for their
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Pursuit of Justice Awards 2015 – Honoring Dolores Huerta, Lilly Ledbetter and Peg Yorkin

On June 18th, 2015, CWLC was honored to recognize Dolores Huerta, Lilly Ledbetter and Peg Yorkin at the 2015 Pursuit of Justice Awards held at the Millennium Biltmore Hotel in downtown Los Angeles. Thank you to those of you who attended and our event sponsors who helped acknowledge our honorees commitment to creating equal opportunities for all.

Support AB 908 (Gomez): Strengthening Paid Family Leave

  The Honorable Tom Daly Chair, Committee on Insurance State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: AB 908 (Gomez) – Strengthening California Paid Family Leave – Support Dear Assemblymember Daly: I am writing in support of AB 908 (Gomez). This bill will strengthen California’s Paid Family Leave (PFL) program to allow workers to take time off to care for
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CWLC Advocates for Women’s Economic Empowerment with A Stronger California

SACRAMENTO – Economic equality, poverty, and child care advocates joined legislators at a press conference this week calling for new policies to help secure women’s economic empowerment in California, which will benefit families and communities across the state. The advocates and elected leaders are asking state policymakers to support an agenda in the coming year that approaches women’s economic opportunities across multiple policy areas. A Stronger California is the multi-year campaign advocating for this coordinated and comprehensive set of policies.

Support SB 406 (Jackson): Employment: Leave

  The Honorable Hannah-Beth Jackson State Capitol Sacramento, CA 95814 RE: SB 406 (Jackson) – Support Dear Senator Jackson: I am writing in support of SB 406. This bill will extend job-protected leave to more California workers when they need to take time off to care for a seriously ill family member or bond with
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CWLC Urges The Supreme Court to Ensure Some Judicial Review of Immigration Decisions that Keep Families Apart

On Tuesday, January 20, the California Women’s Law Center filed an amicus curiae brief urging the U.S. Supreme Court to require the State Department to provide, at minimum, a “facially legitimate and bona fide reason” when denying a visa to a U.S. citizen’s foreign spouse. CWLC argues that the visa denial implicates the citizen’s fundamental liberty interest in marriage and family; therefore, the Government must show that it did not deny the visa for arbitrary or discriminatory reasons.

2014: A Year in Review

IN THIS ISSUE: CWLC’s Annual “Clothes the Deal” Clothing Drive, Leading the Struggle for Equal Access in Schools, Fighting for Pregnant Students, Serving Women Veterans, New Approaches in the Fight for Reproductive Justice, Connecting Advocates with New Ideas

Partner Event: Los Angeles Coalition Against Wage Theft – Wage Theft Ordinance Hearing Press Conference

On Tuesday, December 9th, the Wage Theft Ordinance will be heard in the Economic Development Committee at City Hall. The Los Angeles Coalition Against Wage Theft needs your support to show City Councilmembers that Los Angeles needs an anti-wage theft policy now. Our partners will be hosting a press conference at City Hall at 12:30pm
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California Legislative Session Ends on a Positive Note for Women and Girls

Governor Jerry Brown Signs Bills Guaranteeing Paid Sick Days, Preventing Pregnancy Discrimination for Students, Ensuring Access to Contraception and Prohibiting Sterilization of Female Inmates Among Others

LOS ANGELES – The California Women’s Law Center (CWLC) is pleased to report that California Governor Jerry Brown ended the legislative session this week by signing several bills focused on increased legal protections for women and girls in California.

National Women’s Law Center Webinar: The Supreme Court & Women’s Health and Economic Security

If you’re a Supreme Court watcher, you probably know the first two are recent Supreme Court decisions of particular importance to women. But do you know about the third case, coming up next?

Partner Event: JVS Veterans First – Professional Development & Empowerment Cohort for women veterans

Our friends at JVS Veterans First started an exciting new program. They were seeking 15 women veterans to participate in a Professional Development & Empowerment Cohort “A.I.M. for Success” at their office in Marina Del Rey.

2013 Pursuit of Justice Awards

On Wednesday, May 29th, the California Women’s Law Center honored Sandra Fluke, the Honorable Fiona Ma, Amy Ziering and Susan Burke at the Abby J. Leibman Pursuit of Justice Awards breakfast. Sandra Fluke was honored for a career advocating for women’s rights. She came to national prominence in 2012 after being denied the chance to
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