Additional Resources: Women’s Health

Access additional tools and information related to women's health and reproductive justice. Some resources have been produced by CWLC, and others have been created by external partners and institutions.

CWLC Criminalizing of Abortion in America April 2024Download
CWLC Anti-Abortion Policy Making April 2024Download
CWLC Resource - Older Women's Health and Resource Guide - Learning to Demand and Receive Better Care (2006)Download
CWLC and Black Women for Wellness Resource: Sisters in Control (2007)Download
CWLC and Wise&Healthy Aging Presentation: Women, Aging, and Poverty (2018)Download
Los Angeles County Office of Women's Health and Office of Violence Prevention: Women and Girls Suicide Brief (2021)Download
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health: Women, Pregnancy, COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccines (2021) EnglishDownload
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health: Women, Pregnancy, COVID-19 and COVID-19 Vaccines (2021) SpanishDownload